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Lehrstuhl für Europäische Geschichtskulturen – Professorin Dr. Astrid Swenson

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Artemis Ignatidou Dr. Artemis Ignatidou
Artemis Ignatidou

Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

2018 PhD in Modern European History, Brunel University London.

2013 MA Modern World History, Brunel University London

2011 BA Media and Communications, Goldsmiths College, University of London

seit 04/2022Wissensschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
2018Doktor in Modern European History, Brunel University London
2013M.A. in Modern World HI

She keeps them warm with her skirt (2025– 2026]

‘She keeps them warm with her skirt’ is an exhibition by performance artist Dr AnnaMaria Pinaka (ArtEZ, Netherlands) that explores the gendered cultural imprint of European royalty upon 20th century femme culture. Artemis is currently collaborating in the project as a consulting research associate, covering issues of intra-European royal history, colonialism, and the heritage of 19th century aesthetics in contemporary pop culture.

Greek National Opera – ‘Opera Box’ [2023]

‘Opera Box’ is a music education outreach project by the Greek National Opera that aims to introduce teenagers to opera history. For the purposes of this project Artemis produced 12 educational texts on various aspects of opera history.

Artemis has appeared in music and interdisciplinary performances as a pianist and performer in Greece, England, and Northern Ireland. She is a member of Coocoolili music performance group.

Artemis Ignatidou

Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

I am a postdoctoral researcher interested in critical readings of music and culture in modern Europe. My research focuses on intercultural responses to national and nationalist musical practices in the European continent, the cultural manifestations of naitonalism, and the impact of transnational musical institutions upon local cultural identities.

Artemis Ignatidou

Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

Dr. Artemis Ignatidou
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Institut für Fränkische Landesgeschichte
Marktplatz 1
95349 Thurnau

Bayreuth Campus-Büro:
Gebäude GWII, Raum 2.10
Universitätsstraße 30
95447 Bayreuth

E-Mail: artemis.ignatidou@uni-bayreuth.de
ORCID: Artemis Ignatidou

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Sophie Gindele

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